The word "Ka Ka Ki" in Hokkien chinese-dialect means "daringly go". "Ngeh ngeh ki" in the same dialect means "forcibly go"
Dare vs. Force.
"Ka Ka Ki"
When you dare to do something, you have set your mind to do it and compel the changes to happen instead of the environment or opposing force to take charge of the situation and result in "nothing" or "zero" things to happen.
In business and marketing especially, if you are passively doing things then chances are, your pie will be eaten by someone else who dares to do something about the situation.
"Ka Ka Ki" - Daring or bravado has to come with understanding or planning strategically what to do and when to do things. Why to do it? We want the results. Who to do it? You or Person-in-charge. What to do (tasks)? That is the key question - which you and your team have to provide the answer. When to do the tasks? This is a critical factor as we don't want to lose time which will be hard to recover.
"Ka Ka Ki" also means we don't give up hope. We persistently commit to try accomplish something even though the result may be good or bad. Most importantly, we can see the result for ourselves.
Along the way, we can discover new ideas, new knowledge and new wisdom.
In the technology world, these ideas can become New Product Introduction (NPI), turning a working prototype to process it into a thoroughly refined and reproducible final product. We take customer needs, design them, keep on modifying, testing and then end up with the final goods or products that customers and future customers want.
"Ngeh Ngeh Ki"
To do things by force, we are looking for big trouble. We waste a lot of time thinking, we use up a lot of energy and resources that are hard to come by these days.
We may come off as repulsive, unwanted and not invited.
To force a matter, we tend to break something that may be already there, unless there's nothing there to lose. For example, you have already gotten words, that your presence is no longer wanted around. You still go ahead and try to create an opening, which then becomes an issue to be handled by the other party you are dealing with. This will then create unnecessary disharmony between the two camps.
There are ways to break barriers between the market and you.
Join a group, club or society that are your target market;
Be active in social media;
Form your own network;
Find a sponsor or a mediator;
Write your idea and hand it around for free.
Do "Ka Ka Ki" and let me know at how it works for you.

(Picture: Just Another Heartbreaker - song by Dare Force)