Allow me to share my thoughts with you about climate change. It will fail, whether by 2030 or 2050. For simple reasons, some humans take pleasure in using others, go to war with one another, have selfish reasons and couldn't care less about the neighbours. The same humans cannot walk the talk.
If you are to look for answers in front of you, 70% to 90% of mergers and acquisitions fail but still, there will be companies doing it. Because there is that 10% to 30% chance it will succeed and that smaller percentage will get to turn into tomorrow's news, in all media and given accolades. No one cares about those who tried and failed.
I am getting bombarded left and right by fellow management consultants who go about into ESG. (Well, we do promote and refer ESG to our consulting associates). With developing countries such as ours, we shouldn't be canned if we want to balance between industrialisation and preserving our environment. Same with other countries in Africa and South America for the same reasons when 1st world country is already a botox-ed silicon country.
Food security is important. The technology of today, took away the taste of yesteryears. What we had in the 1980s tasted like "plastique" or bland today. Kids of today do not know what they have missed. Hydroponic farming is nothing new.
The question now arise, should small and medium enterprises that make up more than 2/3 of the registered companies, have to each pay for RM 30,000 (per annum?) for an ESG consultancy? Which stakeholders benefit the most? The Government? The Consultant? You and me? Do we expect cleaner air? Will he seawater drop its level? Will ice cover the polar ice cap region once again as it used to?
What must happen is that industries must create T-Ford and airplanes as that in the 20th century but to replace the existing ones. Elon Musk and Tesla might be the future, if the battery is 99.9% recyclable and for wind-turbines not to use more gases or fuel to run.
It is good to have a grand design like climate change but just don't oversell it intentionally. If you know that some things will take time to work, then state it. Else justify or validate what are the real effects to our social, economy and livelihoods.
