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Woke's Happening, World?


This 2024 edition of Olympic's opening ceremony in Paris is said to be the best seen so far. Unfortunately, it is marred by controversy, just like recently concluded Eurovision 2024 where the Netherlands' entry was booted out from the finals.

Unlike the ex-PM of Singapore that does not support Woke, I support Woke. In the sense of Diversity, Equality and Inclusiveness, we must let people - who had been undermined for centuries to come out of woodwork and be themselves. Whether they are gay, lesbian, robot and so on. Wokeness movement makes life “very burdensome”: PM Lee

Nevertheless, in any cases, there has to be some sensitivity on social issues and not boiling to extremism.

The Last Supper by the drag queens and a minor, even as a parody was done poorly without thought and sensitivity to Christians of any denominations, in particular. Whilst I do not agree its blasphemous or Satanic, its a cheap interpretation of art piece no matter what the trend is. And France is known for its arts and culture.

Open to Debate but Don't Be Overly Sensitive, Extreme or Hypocritical

  1. It is good to invite people to open debate and discussion, However, when one party starts to mock, cynical, sarcastic, making sniding remarks or sniping - its time to stop. The decorum is maintain peace and equilibrium because its the same thing you want for yourself as others.

  2. Getting butthurt over parody. First of all, note that there is a difference between parody-joke and downright insulting. There are people who gets too hypersensitive over each and every line, and then there are people who doesn't care or bother over the materials they choose as what they think as a joke. It all boils down to intention and who is the audience or recipeint. If it is for a particular group of people, then have a close door event. Here's two noteworthy that happens, a. a beauty contest for drag queen in Malaysia which was forced to close down. b. Kumar, the drag queen comedian has to run her material in front of a police audience for a period of time before she is approved to perform in an event. Now, jokes can be about race, gender, politicians, sex, so far no religion - but I have seen some materials on it elsewhere and body size - but you have been warned, if you are buying the tickets. If you are the affected group, and buys the ticket with the purpose to protest or against your beliefs, then you purposely get yourself butthurt and wants to make a mountain out of a molehill.

  3. Don't resort to extremism. People makes mistake. Nothing is perfect. Violence begets violence. Someone has to grow up. There are always two-side to a story and if you are just looking to support one side without wanting to even consider the other side's version of story, then you are on one polar - leaning towards extremism. Hitler was a democratically voted in world leader where everyone in Germany then loved him. If you say your religion teaches you peace, are you practising it?

  4. Pick and select. When a situation bothers you boycott, you march and so on. But when other people do that, you stay quiet, ignore the issues or intentionally side your side because its more benefitting to you socially or financially. Things like art vs. trend, sports vs. religion, protests vs. education - the promotion of idea is in reverse of what is being promoted. You preach peace but you sell arms.

  5. Woke up. Its like walking on egg shells. Yes, you want to be accepted but your platforms must be well thought of and not at the expense of others such as the Olympic on LGBTQ+ and religions or Eurovision by touching on Middle East problem. It is not the proper time and place. Words, icons and representationals must be chosen effectively so as to avoid demeaning purposes.

  6. Read beyond the headlines. No words can describe this. Some people watched a 15 seconds of a 20 minute video footage , read the headlines and started screaming for blood. Germany Begin Destroying Islamic Mosques Spreading Extremism: How Germany Tackled Immigration Crisis

  7. Choice of message. You want to get your point across but you will only accept your own views. Be diplomatic especially if its not your space, comment box or events.

They say when in Rome, do as the Romans do but now the world is more than just Rome. We have to be cosmopolitan. A cosmopolitan was someone who was not subservient to a particular religious or political authority, someone who was not biased.

Beyond 21st century, we have to think of global citizenship, reduce costs, provide human basic needs, upheld human rights and deconstruct of national borders where one day people can freely travel around the world without the need of passport or nations go into wars because of imaginary zones and lines. Being overly possessive, is problematic. The Earth has rooms for everyone but overcrowding in one place and not even finding the next habitable planet, is a death wish.

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